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What is a Cluster Headache

A Cluster Headache (CH) is a severe headache occurring in a cyclical pattern known as ClusterPeriods or Cluster Cycles.  There are some patients that suffer from what is known as Chronic Cluster Headaches where they are continous as opposed to cyclical.  They typically affect only one side of the head and usually the same side for each cycle you experience.  Although for some patients, they may switch sides from one cycle to the next.  They are described as a relatively short but intensely painful headaches around your eye.  The pain can become so intense that it extends into the jaw, teeth and neck as well.  It is also very common to have a stuffy nose, as well as a drooping eyelid on the affected side for the duration of the Cluster Period.  They are thought to be the Most Painful experience of all known human conditions a person may endure.  Typically they last from 15 to 180 minutes, but some people may have them for days or even weeks before they subside.  In some patients, an Aura may be present before the headache occurs and is sometimes present for the entirety of a Cluster Period, your milage may vary.  This is the very short description, for in-depth reading, please follow links below.


 Medical News Today article What are Cluster Headaches.

 Healthline article on Cluster Headaches.

 Medline Plus (NIH) article Cluster Headache.

 American Migraine Foundation: Understanding Cluster Headache.

 Mayo Clinic about Cluster Headache.

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Oh My Wordz Trivia Game, Anagram Words & Math Quiz
Over 200,000 New Questions
Clearly the Best Android Game on the Market!  It Includes Standard Trivia Games, Anagram Word Games and Math Quiz Games.  Also with both a Multiplayer game mode and Stand Alone Offline mode.

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